Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo

What a bargain, still bet they sound great with the right amp up them, looking at that impedance/phase angle graph.
XVX is a very demanding load, with EPDR less than 1.1 ohms between 52Hz and 66Hz and between 197Hz and 287Hz, with minimum values of 0.91 ohms at 450Hz and 0.94 ohms at 3250Hz. The Chronosonic XVX should be used with amplifiers that don't have problems driving loads of 2 ohms and lower.


Cheers George

So it is a sign of good character and self esteem to worry about the appearances? I see it as fashion. Not all those who are wealthy are trust funders. Of course you see it as positive because you believe in the narrative and you see the accumulation of wealth as an ignoble pursuit.

800 posts
05-06-2021 3:52am
So it is a sign of good character and self esteem to worry about the appearances? I see it as fashion. Not all those who are wealthy are trust funders. Of course you see it as positive because you believe in the narrative and you see the accumulation of wealth as an ignoble pursuit.
Your greatest talent is making shallow assumptions, which is a great revealer of your lack of character. Everyone knows...right?...that making sure your flaunt your wealth at all times is the right thing to do. Save it for the Yacht Club, Biff.
Who is making assumptions? You assume I have a lack of character because I object to the notion that all wealthy people flaunt their wealth. Is flaunting wealth is some great sin? The richest people I know, granted I live in the Midwest, do not have a tendency to flaunt what they have. My problem is with people that are more concerned with perception and would let the possibility of a negative perception prevent them from doing what they wish. Most people with your attitude have a chip or have had some bad experience with wealthy people from their younger days or previous lives. 
How about that 40th Anniversary LP12 - with an included bottle of 40 year-old Scotch! Now for sale here on Agon - $25K! Talk about value pricing! 
In this case I would agree with you that this doesnt seem like a good value, but who am I to say. I know what I think the LP12 is worth, not so sure I can put a value on the Scotch.