Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.

"Other posters responding to MC’s remarks. Just ignore him. Pay no attention, it eventually goes away."

It is true that millercarbon has an excuse. He speaks from inexperience. While other radiology technicians were risking their lives to help other people, he was hiding in his listening room trying new tweaks. His biggest published (here) achievement of 2020 was to courageously suspend speaker cables on rubber bands from the parsley bunches.

( Millercarbon's System - Virtual Systems ( middle picture, third row from the bottom, heroic achievement of 2020)

Calling people who tried hard to help someone "liars" is above any level of tolerable.

perkri358 posts
04-21-2021 10:49amQuestion to the CV19 naysayers, do you actually believe what you are writing, or are you spewing this to get a rise out of people?

Unfortunately pekri, they are completely serious. It is a problem of extremity. Being skeptical is good. Usually that is a very good quality. However, in some, that skepticism is very selective, and very extreme. Perhaps selective skepticism is not even the right designation.  Would it be selectively skeptical to not doubt audio tweak claims, or is it because you have extreme skepticism about anything claimed by relevantly knowledgeable people. I believe it may be the latter. I guess that is still selective skepticism, but perhaps it is really about total avoidance of anything that can be designated as authority, even when that "authority", which is only informational, is acting in your best interests.

Psychologically I think it is all a manifestation of insecurity. If you are insecure, you may not be able to admit, even to yourself, that someone, no matter their level of expertise, knows more than you, even though, for most of us, we realize that is the case on almost everything. That does not mean you don't question "experts" as they often step out of their actual expertise and make gross generalizations. We all remember "experts" telling us masks won't help, even when every available piece of evidence said they may. Problem was, those experts were not experts in the actual mechanics of transfer of similar diseases, and the claims were based on established facts, ignoring similar, but as of yet unproven in this case, facts.  What they did was equivalent to a smoker saying I have never got cancer from smoking before, so I won't in the future.

When you need to feed that insecurity, you will grasp onto anything that supports that goal. Masks is another good example. Virus is <0.3uM, N95 masks only claim to be 95% effective with particles at 0.3uM.  No where in that statement does it claim that particles <0.3um cannot be stopped, but if you need to feed an insecurity, that will be what you grasp onto. [Due to electrostatic attraction, many N95 masks are more effective at 0.1uM than they are at 0.3uM].
Folks you have come to the right place to find your pandemic experts. They also have golden ears.  Some may come off as a bit arrogant but so what?   When your hot your hot.
glupson your startin’ to sound like me about no knock warrants and vice cops.

Compare the two, lets go after the HUGE problem and understand EVERYONE can have a fuc%up opinion. The funny part, MC pushes the button and is in pure monitor mode.. LOL He get’s to rent a LOT of space in peoples heads at NO CHARGE.. LOL Pretty good at it too..

I admire the guy.. sure gets you going from time to time..
At Least CHARGE for the space.. LOL

Now don’t get all mad. Though it is a bit of a chuckle..;-)

I'm claimin' the Irish defense, "I wadnt' der dat day Fader, I swear on me modders grave"

Full blown Regards..