Duntech repairs?

Hello, I just acquired an early pair of Marquis. The previous owner says they are all original but one driver is clearly different. I contacted Duntech and they said they had NOS Vifa recone kits but did not give me pricing and would only recommended I sell the old Marquis and buy the new Marquis model from them when released. I have asked for information (removal proceedure) to verify drivers and repair/recone pricing three times but they have not responded. Any advice from vintage Duntech or Dunlavy owners?
I third Bill Legall,
I had a original pair of Duntech Princess speakers and after several years I sent them to Bill to refoam the surrounds of the bass drivers and he did a fantastic job and the speakers sounded great in every way. I had them for over 20 years and sold them a year ago.
You will not go wrong with letting Bill look at them.
hello you are in luck i myself have duntech marquis 500 and so this is what you doyou take all your drivers out of the speaker
then call millersound 2154127700 they will rebuild your original speakers to newrecone refoam they will fix it like its brand new and very reasonable while the speakers are outgo on ebay and buy the crossover upgrade and do that poof new speakers like new
HELP!  My Crown Princes sound amazing until they hit a strong bass note and they splat, or bottom out.  We just had the surrounds professionally replaced.  I spoke with Bill at Millersound (great guy) and he said there was probably damage done in the voice coil area or something and they wouldn't touch them without the original reconing kit.  Anyone know where I might find recone kits for these?
@roxy54 yes. They're very slow to respond if they respond at all.  I got a facebook message back from them saying they'll reply asap, that was like 4 days ago. I have read that they can't do anything and they'll send you around the world on a rabbit chase.