For all you Vinyl lovers!

It is always a treat to witness someone with that much passion for something and especially when you your self share the same passion for it as well. Thanks for the video. Enjoy the music
I was fascinated by his producs many years ago, mainly OMA Graphite plinth for various turntables, especially for Technics SP10 mk2.

When I asked on audiogon no one can comment, no one never tried his stuff, later I asked again when OMA released cast iron plinth for Technics SP-10R. No one can say a word (considering most of audiogonners are Americans btw).

Many years ago I bought my Schick “12 inch tonearm and my first SPU cartridge from Jonathan (OMA). Tried to catch his demo Miyajima carts a few times, finally bought the Kansui few years ago (but not from him).

What I really like about OMA products is design, even if the price is insane the design is great, because often people ask too much for ungliest looking gear ever , for OMA this is not the case.

Later I posted SoundSmith cartridge made for OMA (that was good looking one).

ART-1000, Miyajima is what we can see now on Schroeder tonearms at OMA. Technics turntables as always!

BTW Jonathan posted on audiogon many years ago, just like many people who never post again. Think why.

“BTW Jonathan posted on audiogon many years ago, just like many people who never post again. Think why. “

I can think of one possible reason.....when vinyl aficionados stop being music lovers and become obsessed with pushing vinyl supremacy over other competing audio formats. I don’t know about anyone else but that’s a turn off for me.
Latitk, you’d better not ask Jonathan about digital format, watch his video and don’t expect he will support your “music lover” theory regardless of format, leave it for Digital Section on this forum. You are in Analog Section, don’t forget it.

OMA definitely not a typical high-end manufacturer, quite opposite to the mainstream high-end.