Low gain preamp options

I’ve read lots of preamp suggestion threads and discussions on amp matching. I don’t know what percentage of people have digital only systems, but it seems like there is a missing niche for preamps.

Most DACs have at least a 2V output which exceeds the input sensitivity of most amps. So unlike a phono input there isn’t a real need for gain in most cases. The problem with a passive preamp is some amps don’t have high enough input impedance. Also a preamp allows longer cable runs (if needed). Then there’s the whole tube warmth or tone that some people are so fond of in taming perceived digital harshness.

I’ve read about lots of tube preamps, but even the low gain ones are still in the 10dB range. It would be nice to have a useful amount of volume adjustment instead of silent to too loud with just a wiggle.

The only unit that comes to mind that’s even close is a Schiit Saga+, but it seems like even mid-fi systems should be able to do better. Don’t get me wrong, I’m using one now. It’s great for $400, but at some point it’s going to become the weak link in my system (if it isn’t already). 

List of desired features:
<6dB gain 
<500 ohm output impedance
tubed output
at least 2 sets of outputs
balanced in/out optional

Anything out there that fits the bill?


List of desired features:
<6dB gain
<500 ohm output impedance
tubed output
at least 2 sets of outputs
balanced in/out optional
The LTA MicroZOTL preamp appears to check all your boxes. Looks like you can drop the gain by 10db, from 10-12db down to 0-2db.  No balanced output, though.


Check out the Hattor preamps. This is from the same folks that make the Khozmo attenuators which are highly regarded. I'm using a Khozmo attenuator in my DIY preamp and an thrilled with the sound quality and reliability.

They have a model with a tube output buffer. The standard gain is 9db, but they may be able to configure a lower gain if desired. They are very easy to work with. 


I’m using a Khozmo attenuator in my DIY

Good but I found Dact also switched smd resistors, is the best value for money without being charged stupid Hiend hifi money, who needs "roller bearings" on the shaft lets get serious really.
@wrm57 I missed that difference between the LTA MZ3 and the pre. Before the level 2 upgrade option I thought they were pretty much the same except for the tape loop and single chassis. The MZ3 (with 12AU7s to drop the gain a smidge) is one that I’ve been giving serious consideration. I need to take another look at the pre with the input specific gain control. I’m probably overthinking the gain issue, but I was short on things to obsess over this week.

@jaytor thanks for the link. I hadn’t heard of Hattor before, but it definitely warrants some serious investigation. A passive now with a tube buffer later if needed might keep my options open. I need to do additional critical listening comparing the passive to the buffer on the Saga+ to get a more specific idea what I like better about the tube.

@georgehifi it’s rare that I’m out pessimisted. Thank you.