Should my next purchase be from a brick and mortar?

Hello all. 
So far I've pieced my 2 channel analog system together through purchases off Audiogon and internet direct sites. Have about 3K invested in my core pieces:
Tokyo Sound PE 100 SE phono preamp
Aric Audio Unlimited original all tube pre-amp
Odyssey Audio Khartago stereo amplifier
a frankenstein system I'm well aware of but sounds great and has brought me much joy over the last 3-4 years in my bedroom setup which now run KEF LS50 Metas. New living arrangements are allowing me to build a bigger setup than what I currenty have. The LS50 Metas will be the main speakers for now but now I'll have room for subwoofers to run with them. In time I'd like to upgrade to larger speakers so something beefy enough power wise for future upgrading is a plus. Possibly room correction  with the KEF/ subwoofer setup? I've also gotten into streaming digital audio with Qobuz so usb or similiar connectivity is also wanted. And a good/great mc/mm phono input as vinyl is my primary listening source. 

All this has lead to me to an integrated amplifier. I'm wanting to budget in the 5k-7k range. Spending this kind of money (to me anyway I know this is "entry level" in this hobby) has me thinking I should establish with a brick and mortar. I'm not comfortable having an expense like this shipped and then have to ship again if there are issues. I'm in LaCrosse Wisconsin so I have close access to Minneapolis/St. Paul, Madison, Milwaukee and maybe even Chicago if it came down to it. Thoughts or suggestions appreciated!

Ok cool I wasn't sure if I was interacting with a bunch of millionaires on here or what.

Technically I am a millionaire. Times two point something. It changes. Like it matters. A million ain’t what it used to be, let me tell you! I am tight with my audiophile dollar. Tight as I ever was 50 years ago with my newspaper route and burger-flipper money.
Truth is most things, not just audio but pretty much everything, below a certain price point is pure crap. Darn near an iron law of economics. Due to the simple fact shipping, transportation, and packaging eats up about the same total cost whether the product is $50 or $5000. There simply is not that much difference in cost between the box a $15k Rolex and $15 ear buds comes in.

Consequently, when you step up from a $500 component to a $5k component virtually all the extra you pay is actual component.

People however, the money they can afford to spend does not work quite the same way. There’s way more people with $500 to spend than $5k. And hardly anyone with $50k let alone $500k. They are out there but way less of them.

The reason I focus so much on the economics is you are talking about a preference for local retail. Which is all well and good but you should go into it with your eyes open.

The stuff Kevin Deal and all the others sell, they all have to make a profit. The manufacturers who sell to them, they all have to make a profit too. Otherwise, no more components. Typical retail markup is like 100%. Sorry, but it is.

Take your $5k integrated. Dealer cost $2500. Manufacturer had to make a profit, his cost probably $1500-2000. Your $5k buys you at best $2k worth of goodies.

Take your same integrated from say Raven, your $5k now buys you $4k worth of goodies. Manufacturer actually makes a little more profit. But there is no retailer, his profit disappears.

You start to understand why there is so much value in Tekton speakers, Raven amps.

Another reason, their business model relies much more heavily on sound quality performance. Tekton is one place. Raven is one place. Something like Prima Luna has dealers all over the place advertising, spreading the word. Tekton and Raven, they do some of that sure but nowhere near as much. This stuff all costs money. Once again your audiophile dollar buys more goodies with them. The more and the better you understand this the more clear it is they are not even close. You start to understand why the guys who have this stuff are so deliriously happy, why almost no one ever goes the other way. Not once they actually hear it.

This by the way is something I learned a very long time ago, when going into some high end shop and seeing a bunch of stuff I never heard of before. It seemed real strange then. Now it is expected. Sony and Bose succeed in the mass market. There’s a reason everyone knows them. Raven, Tekton, only serious audiophiles ever heard of this stuff. Probably a lot never heard of Raven. I hadn’t, not until a couple years ago. Decware, ditto. Same thing. Same exact thing.

This is not to say the boutique stuff is always the best. They can sometimes be a little hot-rodded. Great sound, not so great build. But the best of them, there just is no comparison. You really do tend to get what you pay for. Just be aware how much of what you are paying for is another guy in between to make a buck off of you, and how much is actually going into the component. Because believe me, there ain’t no free lunch!
Thanks for the responses guys. Miller I see your point about cutting out the middle man. Lot to mull over. I feel like I'm going backwards lol. Started out going the pure analog route hence the Aric all tube and I'm now I'm talking about bass management, room correction and DAC's.  
I'm on the East Coast and bought my Musical Fidelity amp from Hi Fi Heaven over the phone. Very helpful salesperson and superb customer service. I always advocate supporting independent shops. Life would be less delightful without them. 
If you plan on buying a lot more equipment and you can find a store that has most of the stuff you want then it is not a bad idea to establish yourself. Most stores will take care of those they know are serious buyers particularly those that have the disease and they know are going to continue upgrading. It helps to drive up in a 911.