Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig?

Hey All,
There once was a time when I looked forward to shopping for arcane mono classical and jazz vinyl. The anticipation of hearing a newly cleaned recording from 1957 that I didn’t realize existed until just a few hours prior. The satisfaction of owning 200 plus records. But now since I’ve upgraded my DAC and Transport, I’ve become disenchanted with vinyl. It still sounds musical but not nearly as close to a live performance as my digital setup. So I’m now I’m thinking about selling my ASR Mini Basis Exclusive MK 2 phono preamp and my modified Thorens TD 145 with AT 33 mono anniversary cartridge. I could put the money towards a surgical procedure that I’ve been putting off. Will I regret this afterwords? I don’t even know how much to ask for the equipment or whether someone would even take an interest in it. Any ideas out there?
The LP is an Art Form! Why would you want to be without access to such wonderful experiences? There is magic in those grooves!
@goofyfoot , It won't pay for any surgical procedure I know of, not even a vasectomy. Sure, Vinyl is a PITA. Sell it all and clean up your space. I traded in all 2000 CDs........for records.
Let's say you get lucky and get $3,000. total. That's a lot, and it ain't a lot.

Let's go back to your setup? You mention Mono LP and Stereo Streaming. You mention a TT with a single tonearm with a Mono Cartridge. 

A removable headshell I presume, with Stereo Cartridge mounted, ready to switch with the Mono headshell.

I did that for a while, however, it is a formula for pretty good, but not great. Each headshell switch involves changing MANY critical settings: and for Vinyl to sound superior, they ALL need to be very carefully correct. This presumes some tools and acquired skills, and time/listening/refinement, far from easy, far from quick.

That led me to two tonearms, Stereo Arm/Cartridge very carefully set; Mono Arm/Cartridge also refined setting. Now, switch Stereo/Mono LP's in seconds during a listening session. 

Eventually, I realized, I could squeeze in a 3rd arm, for MM, to avoid wear to MC non-replaceable stylus for 'keepers' that are not so well engineered, the band's songs were great, but their musicianship not too special. 

So, what to do? I say, keep what you have, refine your skills and very carefully setup for your Stereo Cartridge, compare that to your Streaming.

btw, what Stereo Cartridge are you using? MM or MC? Stylus perhaps worn?