CD or Streaming... am I missing out?

I listen to CD in my headphone office system. Use a Theta Compli transport and a very nice and pricey tube 16/44 DAC. Have thought about a streaming capability and all its benefits but am both limited by SPDF and by 16/44 only. I also love the analog sound of my tube DAC. Does streaming sound far surpass CD? Am I missing out?
Well, I'm glad I haven't ordered my coax cable yet. I'm awaiting delivery of Teac 505 streamer  this afternoon. I was going to hook up my Theta Miles to the new Dac in the Teac to see if it sounded better. Probably not. 

I bought the Teac for convenience. Age 70 is coming fast (2 1/2 wks) I figure there may be times in the future when I just didn't feel like turning over albums. Plus I have tons of flac files that I could burn to CD but even easier, play  from the Teac.

BTW @georgehifi  , Do you live in Australia? just curious

BTW @georgehifi , Do you live in Australia? just curious


Cheers George
Yes you are totally missing out on the totality of available music. SQ not so much but you would have a hard time picking blind.
There is NO WHERE near a deal breaking difference.
If you are happy listening to a limited library repeatedly, good for you.

SQ not so much but you would have a hard time picking blind.
Maybe, but a group of 6 of us all picked it CD was better, even the pro streamer guy, who was upset because he sold all 2000 of his CD's to go to streaming.
432evo High End mMusic Server 432evo Roon Core.
TotalDac T1
Yamaha CD Transport
Supratek Cortese
Wilson Alexia II
Gryphon Antillion.

Yes very high end, but isn’t that what it’s all about??
No compromises if possible, otherwise you’d use the cheap supplied interconnects that come free with sources as well.

Cheers George
It must depend on your setup, I have a NAD M33 and stream Qobuz HR and it blows away my CD player so much so that I removed it. Admittedly the CD player was a Yamaha mid-level at best and the M33 is not. Even if they were simply equal (they were not) the vast selection on Qobuz would make CD a non-competitor.