Vinyl on NAD M10 lower volume

Hi, I am a very happy owner of the NAD M10. I also bought it to listen to vinyl and I notice a significant drop in volume compared to streaming when playing a LP. Need to turn up the volume about 15-20 points to get to the same level as streaming. 
Any ideas on how to improve this?

Thinking of upgrading the phono preamp but I am not sure if this will work. Someone pointed out that it might have something to do with the ADC conversion that happens in the amp. 
This would suggest an external ADC converter might help. 

All tips are much appreciated.

Current setup:

B&W 705 Signature 
Rega P3
Rega fono mini preamp
Thanks both for your response. You seem not to agree. 

Youtuber Tarun (A British Audophile) (see pointed out that this might have something to do with the analogue input on the M10, which he thinks is mediocre. 

He believes it might be caused by the analogue to digital conversion in the M10. Therefore I thought an external ADC (so not a DAC but other way around) would maybe help. 

I would then still make use of the DAC inside the M10, but the input will be digital instead of analogue. 

What I was thinking is connecting the phono preamp to an external ADC converter and then connecting this to the digital input of the M10. Do you guys think this is worth looking into?

As this is a hassle with unclear results I would much prefer do something 'simple' as upgrading the preamp/phono stage. Any tips on beter preamps then the Rega fono mini? 

You really don't have any problem - the position of the volume control is irrelevant. Your sources simply have different output levels.
+2 @cleeds.

There is a 15dB difference between analog vs digital on my Accuphase Integrated which has a internal phono. I’ve gotten used to it when I am switching inputs. I know it’s a PITA :-)

@reubent made an excellent point as well. Keep in mind if you go with higher gain phono stage, you’re also going to increase ‘noise’ with low output cart unless you switch to higher output cart. Even then I doubt you will have exact level match between the two formats.

With your idea of ADC, you are now relying on two separate conversions of a already sensitive signal that’s prone to noise and distortion. I can’t even imagine what’s that going to sound like after the two conversions.....I hate to say it but you might as well give up on Vinyl and stick with!

My suggestion would be to keep the analog signal path short n sweet! May be invest in a high quality integrated with internal phono stage like Luxman or Accuphase and use a Node 2i with external DAC for your digital. 
What do you listen to more, analog or digital?