Are you getting ridiculous offers from new members

I've been trading here for over 15 years and just recently I am getting stupid offers and comments on my listings from members who are fairly new, have no feedback, no discussions. Trolls
I’ve gotten ridiculously low offers from members WITH 100% positive feedback here so it ain’t just the newbies that are testing the resolve of sellers. 

Very few of the fellow members with 100% positive feedback here tendered their “offers” through the make-an-offer step, opting instead to send me messages asking if I would accept such-and-such amount...

I’ve managed to keep my replies politely succinct in spite of the tinge of insult I feel, telling them inquiries are one thing, making a bonafide, serious offer is quite another. The worst I can possibly do is decline the offer outright or counter - either way no harm nor foul since A’gon doesn’t track or account for one’s rejected offers. 

Methinks the buyers budget comes first in their quest, the reality of what they can actually appropriate within their means comes second so...they fish. 

And they’re welcome to fish. Follow the rules newbies, follow the rules MEMBERS, and we’ll all continue along just fine. 


No, in that case we spoke before he made his way up to my house to pick up the unit, and when he arrived, he decided not to honor the price we agreed on via our phone call.

After I told him I wasn't selling to him, he actually had the audacity to ask to see the unit...
I just had a listing where I got multiple offers from different users that had the same address, but each with incomplete or partial names.  It was very strange and they felt like scam offers.  I declined them, of course.  I've been selling here for seven years and don't remember this happening so much in earlier years.