SACD is it worth it?

Recently magazines seems to abandon hi-rez formats and all are speaking of the forthcoming death of sacd & dvd-a.
But if you are planning a new disk player you also have to deal with the dilemma to sacd or not to sacd?
Before 3 years I had the DenonA1 (5900 in US) and the dvd-a was the best sound format I heard but dvd-a is fading out. Now sacd gives the ultimate fight what do you think?
Today would you buy a player with SACD capability or just Redbook cd (which seems immortal). Always have in mind the big cd libraries the most of us has.
I'm firmly in the cd camp. I feel that the small library and inconsistent sound quality of sacd's makes them a worthless proposition for my money. I have an excellent cd player and think that redbook replay, both in terms of hardware and software seems to be at an all time high. Also, it may be my innate cheapness, but the idea of rebuying music I already have in a new format is unappealing, especially when sacd remasters are from the same analog or pcm masters as cd's. Most new music that's truly dsd mastered isn't of much interest to me, especially at $25 a pop. Besides just think into the future as downloaders abandon cd, we'll be able to get almost anything we want in the used bins as we do with lp's today.
I can't see the point of getting into SACD now, if you only have a two-channel system. The improvement is debatable, and the selection is always going to be anemic. But if you have a 5.1 system, SACD probably offers your largest selection of uncompressed multichannel music. And excellent SACD or universal players can be had at a very low premium over CD-only machines.
People have been claiming the death of vinyl for decades. They are not claiming the end of hi-rez.
The market decides. For myself, I heard a Diana Krall CD and then listened to the same on SACD. There was no contest; context, texture, content it was all so much more that for me SACD was a no brainer. Not to say that at times I do not have a brain. I am willing to listen to what I like and live within my budget. I also have a vinyl setup and CD's are good but there is better.
used video laserdisks became now cheaper than cassettes and descent ld player is available free at driveway dumps or pennies at garage sale...
that's approximately when i'll enjoy sacd...
To me, vinyl seems to be a more "immortal" medium... but what do I know.
This previous thread lends a tangent worthy of exploring.

As well some of us recently discussed in a thread the idea of vinyl collecting fading away, again. All this conjecture. The music industry needs a format or three to make profits. SACD sounds more like vinyl or if you will, real acoustic music being played by real musicians IMHO than most redbook CD's. I believe it will stick around. Purchasing a unidisc(k) player at this time sounds like the way to go. Happy Listening!