Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?

was it winston churchill or abraham lincoln who said - 'you all do as i say, not as i do' ???

arrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  lmao
I own the PL Dialogue Premium Hp integrated Amp and push a pair of Focal Sopra 2’s and love the amp and the speaker combo. Nothing but positive things to say. Though one thing I have learned about matching gear. there has to be a good match for most of the equipment to achieve proper compatibility. It’s not just with Prima Luna, it’s across the board it this expensive hobby we love.

"was it winston churchill or abraham lincoln who said - 'you all do as i say, not as i do' ???"

No, it was some Chuck The China Man on audiogon.
I'm hardly an expert, but picked up a Prologue 2 integrated about a month ago and couldn't be happier.   I'm currently running Fritz Carbon 6s and Soliloquy 5.3s (auditioning the Fritz, so the sets are rotating in and out of the system), and the amp runs them without breaking a sweat - large room, but not head-banging levels.  With either speakers, I notice a presence that was lacking in my previous SS amps and a bit of warmth that doesn't go to the old-school-tube-amp level of softness.  Bottom line, the system sounds honest, accurate, and musical.  Better or more experienced ears might find fault, but I'm satisfied and finding myself far more involved in the music.

That Mac 352 integrated is very nice looking and a hybrid  design which I tend to like.