Opening Record Store

Looking for advice from my fellow audiogoners...I have the potential to move into a store front that is already being operated as a record store (lps only) and become the new shop proprieter/owner. The owner has offered me the space (rediculously cheap rent) in a good area of town. He has had his store for about 5 years now and has a steady customer base. He will be taking all of his inventory and record storage bins that were in the store.He has a web site set up already and signs out front indicating the name of the shop...I plan on rebranding the shop with name change and interior upgrades. It is not a large space maybe 800-1000 square feet. I have a rather large inventory of my own so my up front investment of vinyl would be minimal. The owner wants me to buy him out..basically give cash in return for his customer base and the potential to get my hands on pretty good collections. I am trying to come up with a fair valuation of something like this and I am looking for advice..What do you think something like this is worth? Thank you in advance.
Two questions I would ask:

Is the guy you're paying rent to the owner of the property? If so, you may consider getting a lease.

Is the property in default for taxes, does anyone have liens against the property, etc.? This guy could be out of the picture soon and trying to cash in.
Open a shop somewhere else. The same customers will come to buy and sell. Id make it a vinyl/ used audio gear store snd sell a lot online. You will get a lot of audio gear in and only deal with working stuff unless you want to hire a tech. Which also could be a great idea as a lot of hifi stores nowadays will only work on gear bought from them and there could be people looking for a lot of repairs.