I've been dragged to recommendations, kicking and screaming

As a Tidal subscriber, every time I log in new hip hop artists are recommended to me.  Hilarious as I never listen to them, but lately I've been letting Roon play on and I'm discovering new artists and music I would not otherwise.

What's your experience been with online streaming and automated recommendation systems?
Tidal is owned by Jay-Z .. which is why you get hip-hop/rap suggestions... I get them as well.. 
Tidal is owned by Jay-Z .. which is why you get hip-hop/rap suggestions... I get them as well..

Right, which I knew, you'd just think that they'd have the promo page tied to my listening habits.

I started streaming in earnest a number of years ago but really found that when I purchased an Aurender product and thus used their Conductor app, I was/am finding new music as often as I want/ed to. As you noted Erik, some genre’s you never "listened to them". I’m very similar. However, now Tidal and their Staff Picks, via the Conductor app, has opened my eyes, or ears if you will, to many many new songs and genres. I’m really enjoying listening to the music again - finding new genre’s has really been exciting. I’d recommend you listen not only to recommendations, but also just go pick tracks and try them. You have nothing to loose, but a gold mine to gain.
Not the same, but kinda is when it comes to discovering new music. 
I stream Radio Paradise - The World Music channel - And wow, so much new, and so many varied musical styles/voices.

Random, for sure, but I love being exposed to music I would never discover through an algorithm...
I love the Tidal app but the UX is horrible. They shove hip hop down your throat and don't let you organize your collection. But when I let their song radio play at the end of an album, it usually leads to some nice discoveries. I use Roon as my front end partly to avoid having to interact with Tidal other than having it feed my Lumin streamer.