When was the first time that you heard great sounding speakers?

For me it was 1977 at Purchase Radio in Buffalo NY. My brother and I were putting together a system that we would share at our parents house. The song was Aja by Steely Dan on a pair of Altec 19's that blew my mind at the time, I'll never forget it. They were a little out of our price range at the time. The system ended up being a Sherwood receiver, KLH speakers, a Technics SL-1950 and a cassette deck that I can't remember the make. Great memory! 
Not sure but I can tell you that I’m listening to an exceptional pair right now and that matters more to me...
For me it was sometime in the late 80s visiting Bradford's Hifi in Eugene, OR. Their line up includes Magnepan and Vandersteen. The Magnepan were magical but I liked the overall balance of the Vandersteen better. Both were well beyond any speakers I'd heard before.