All New Joseph Audio Profile Loudspeakers // The Affordable Reference !

A new Reference speaker at a more affordable price $7K !

Not connected with Joseph Audio in any way

The author in that forum does a nice job with the review, but tips his/her hat in the beginning by disclosing their standard approach: "I tend to gush over new equipment I buy that sounds good and write a quick review."

The Profiles have been around for years.  I've often wondered how close they get to the Perspectives.

I briefly considered the Profiles at one point, but held out to "go for the gold" with the Perspectives.
How much are used Perspectives?  To me, Joseph Audio’s need Seas Excel and shiny, beautiful cabs...

The original Perspectives have tended to go for between $6,500 - $8,000 USD.

I agree b_limo, I'm attracted to the beauty of the Perspectives as much as I am to the sound.  I generally dislike seeing speaker drivers, but the Seas drivers are an exception.   They just look "lux" in of themselves, and the cabinet work on the Perspectives is mind-blowing.   Sometimes I literally just sit there taking in how nice they look in my room.

Many say the Pulsar 2's are the best sounding speakers that Joseph Audio makes ! 
Just add a few REL s-510 subs or maybe six later on !