Dedicated Vinyl system next upgrade?

Hi. I love my system. I really do. I love vinyl and listen to vinyl nearly exclusively via “appointment listening”. I do Sometimes stream and listen while I walk or while working but I love just sitting and listening to my stereo. I believe I’ve arrived regarding finally achieving a great set up and have experienced that vinyl “magic” that audiophiles obsess over. I understand that limitations exist and a great stereo will reveal the quality of a recording - good or bad. The law a diminishing returns regarding  upgrading is something I’m mindful of. I don’t have endless funds to spend on upgrades. My question is - what should I consider upgrading next? Should I ditch the integrated amp considering I’m using an external phono stage? Or should I go with a better integrated amp? Or should I look at a better cartridge? Do I upgrade my turntable or just the tonearm? Do I upgrade the power cable on my amp? 
Here’s what I’m currently working with - and thanks for your thoughts/suggestions! 

Clear Audio Concept Turntable
W/ Hana SL cartridge 

Herron Audio VTPH-2a Phono Stage

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated power amplifier 

Kimber Kable speaker wire and interconnects (I forget which model - an entry lever set - nothing crazy) 

Bowers and Wilkins 805 D3 stand mount loud speakers

Set of two stereo REL S/510 subs

mulveling, I agree with you about the tonearm but it is no where near as bad as a uni pivot as long as you stay away from the stiffest cartridges. Schroder uses the same design in his Reference arm which has quite a following but, I am with you. I would by his CB arm. 
@mulveling Awesome! Yeah I’ve been thinking about upgrading the tonearm to support a higher end cartridge down the line. I also have been getting some subsonic woofer pumping at louder volumes and I suspect the floating magnet tonearm is part of, or even possibly the entire problem. Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated. 
When you are trying to upgrade, I think you need to have a clear picture of what you are trying to improve.  Your system looks pretty damn good and, considering everyone here is stabbing in the dark, I would not overlook better speaker cables.  I recently upgraded my speaker cables and they made a profound change for the better to my Harbeth P3.  Bigger, fuller and just plain better-sounding to my ears.  In some systems, cables make little difference, but they can make a huge difference in others.  I have experienced both situations..  Good luck in any case. 
A different tack but more focused on extracting the max out of what you already have:

HRS isolators under the Herron ( Nimbus ) and the Rogue. And very importantly and first HRS or similar isolation for your turntable. The $40 power cable a great idea paired w hospital grade outlets. $20

i like the EL-34 VTL integrated a whisker better than the Rogue , sometimes you can find them around $2,500 but in a longer range plan I would do cartridge first. 
Finally you can get great sound in a condo :-) have fun and enjoy the music
