“BLOCK” Function?

  I’ve tried a search here for such a function,and I’ve come up empty. Is there a way to block certain members? Not just from personal messages,but so they don’t show up in any topic I’m reading. Sometimes it’s nice to ask a question and learn something without someone trying to rub your nose in your lack of knowledge like a dog that did his business in the house.  I am all for learning from others. That’s one of the reasons I frequent this site. However,there are some folks here that do have vast knowledge, but are as abrasive as 40 grit sandpaper. For those folks I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.  

That’s all true.

Individualism is a curse, the bain of humanity.

Individualism is the great gift; the very savior and core of humanity.

It’s a pretty wide swath that this individualism coin with two sides -cuts. And that's a good thing.

Spend it wisely.


MC-AKA-Coyote can't win...The fantasies are Acme-tweaks !
Most of which logically,scientifically can't and don't work !
So no logic or science ?
Oh well it's arguably a great cartoon.

Rum could be a tweak in Any cartoon...fueling vehicle, driver, fans, announcer...I can almost see it now...

"The roar of the flaming rum, the smell of the crowd at the Captain Morgan 500mGPee!" (kept short for insurance concerns...)...

Of course, 2 'spotlight' entries would Have to be Road Rum Runner and the nemisis Wiley CoyoteHP....

OK, 'nuff 'Fun"....*sigh*....back to topic and topical stuff....
...where were we?  Ohhhm yezz....
...busily 'dope slapping' for 'thread derailment episodes'...

*seedy segue to even seedier The McLaughlin Group/AG*

"So....'glupson'...or whatever you are....WHat is all this rabblerant about DACs'?!  Whatisthatsuppose to Mean, DAC?  Digital Audible Conspiracy?!  Drivel About Carts?!  Why does 'one' cost thousands, while another chumpchange?!  Do they get 'better' with more zeros behind the second one?  Why isn't there an ADC?!  Or even an AC-DC?!

glupson:  "Well, I..."

"WRONG! So WRONG it masquerades as Right!...."

(This is followed by a full page or 4 of rant&rave that even 'Mr. K' has the sense to avoid....no performing feet on Saturday...@ Bishops' Grate....)

Now...back to 'IRL'...if you can stand it...or stand in for it...

Block if one Must.

Unless you're superstitious...there's always that little chromium switch marked "Of