Preamp suggestions, yes again

I know these types of topics come up very often but here's another.

I'm looking for a preamp for my system. I currently use an Onkyo TX-SR705 as a pre. I have Klipsch RP-600M bookshelf speakers fed by a diy First Watt Aleph J amp. 

I'm looking at the Odysey Candela and the Van Alstine Vision SLR to start. I'd like to stay around this price point or lower.

I do not need phono but a remote is a must have. Obviously I'm open to ss or tubes. Thoughts on the two in considering? Other suggestions? 
I upgraded from the Linear Tube Audio (LTA) MZ2 to the MZ3 and it was quite an improvement. Based upon recommended NOS tubes from Brent Jessee, the MZ3 provides tonality that really fits my requirements. The MZ3 drives either a tube LTA Ultralinear or upgraded solid-state SMc DNA-1.

Good luck on finding equipment that provides your tonality requirement!
If you can afford a bit more...

I absolutely love mine and I believe I'd have to spend a considerable amount more to get this sound (or lack thereof).

The exception may be the Benchmark LA4 Line at $2600.
I really love my Don Sachs Model 2.  Seems like every year he improves on the design in some small way...very smooth and revealing...and made to order.

Want to tailor for your current amp's input sensitivity and one for your next amp? No problem.  One for most SS amps and one for tube amps...just ask.  

Component matching is important...and you can build in the flexibility.  Just talk to him and he will build to your needs.

The only help I can give you is to report on my Odyssey power amp. I am 3d owner of what I think is Klaus’s biggest single amp about 20 years ago: Stratos Dual-Mono. One cabinet with 2 big toroidals and even 2 IEC 15’s for separate power cables. It’s an 85lb monster and a terrific sounding amp.(180 into 8ohms). They’re still hand assembled in Indianapolis and have a great warranty. I leave this old guy running nite and day and it never spits.
When I first hooked the Odyssey up, there was a ground problem but all I had to do was tighten the gold RCA input connector.
There are no mistakes in your candidates. Enjoy.
The Don Sachs preamp is a good suggestion, but over your budget. Don used to own a space tech labs preamp and he liked a lot, space tech labs has lots of models of preamps that are built to order.