Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
Audio, exactly correct. To me, this is simple logic, and so many people let their emotions or preconceptions color their ideas. They become entrenched in a position. Some will say I’m not open because I don’t agree with their more limited views on a subject, and that I don’t agree that their position must be inscribed in stone.
Regarding skin effect, I found this article from Belden:  https://www.belden.com/blog/broadcast/understanding-skin-effect-and-frequency

I would trust them far more than anything on Wiki, for authors and writers it is not considered a reliable source of information.

You can draw your own conclusions from the article.
Belden certainly publishes all the standard measurements with their Iconoclast cables.
Mr. twoleftears

Belden make so many cables, of different AWG.
Which one is the one for me, for you or for some other?
Which of the data published, is the one (or more) I need to look at to make that choice?
What is my system’s parameter, that would make me pick that one?

As you have no idea, nor others, nor the cable makers including your admired Belden, you offer in every post of yours, What good that data is for you?

Which one is the one for me, for you or for some other?
As I said before, do the math.

A great problem in audio is ignorance of even the most fundamental concepts which makes consumers easy prey for charlatans. I might tell you what I have and why it works for me, but any recommendation with out hearing your system in your space is idiotic. IMO, this is what gave rise to burn-in.

Far too many systems are nothing but HiFi Jewelry and completely incapable of presenting a reasonable facsimile of the source material. Badly flawed source leads to badly flawed systems. You may like but a 6 foot hi-hat or solo vocal extending from speaker to speaker, but they are grossly wrong.