Is a Linn Sondek LP12/Lingo/Ekos with a Cirkus update, the last turntable I’ll ever buy?

Opinions, experiences, cartridges and preamps used?
The table I'm considering is a used LP12 with Lingo/Ekos mk1 with a Cirkus update. I know that a new Linn LP12 can cost between $4500.00 and $25,000.00.
@lewm  Your post is totally correct, unfortunately whenever the Linn table is mentioned on threads, there are always those who even though they never owned a Linn, or last owned it decades ago, still manage to naysay. Says a lot about these folks, imho.
@coachpoconnor The Linn you are describing for that money would be an excellent table assuming that you can get it set up correctly and the Lingo is still in good working condition. I think that you would be getting a table that would sound at least as good as any other table at that price point, and as funds and budget allows, you would be able to upgrade to a much higher level, without having to sell your table and lose any of the original investment. Don’t think you can say that about the other options at that price level.
Thanks daveyf
I spent some time talking to Thomas O'Keefe, from Overture Audio, who is a master LP12 set-up person. He made it clear how crucial set-up is. It was a very informative conversation. Again thanks for your comments.
Any comments about using a Hana SL and a Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena with the LP-12?

I recently bought a similar used trade in table from my local Linn dealer and am very happy with it. Mine has the Ittok LVII, Lingo, Trampolin, Cirkus with the Hana ML cartridge. They gave it a tune up and set it up before I took it home. It was a great experience and I have peace of mind that it is running optimally and should continue to do so for many years. I am running it with a Linn Uphorik phono stage I picked up used as well.