Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 
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@nonoise  hey hey, easy tiger, there is a German here after all...

After the death of Germany's most beloved (and VERY FUNNY) comedian Loriot 9 years ago, there was an entertaining article in UK's The Guardian about the difficulty trying to translate his humor. A good line from the article is: "Empirically speaking, English people are among the least qualified in the world to pass judgment on comedy in other languages."  ;-)   

Anyhow, zero offense taken, us Germans have (or should have) developed a rather thick skin about how we are being stereo-typed.

I knew my humor kinda crossed the line but I'm from the old school, Johnny Carson type of humor that's verboten nowadays. I just couldn't resist as it's the only reference I could think of that was the least offensive. 

Back in high school, German was the language I chose to learn and my teacher said my accent was so good, that I could pass for a German since there are, If I remember correctly, about 300 rural districts and I could be thought to be from a different one than the one I was in.

I wish I would have kept up on it. Maybe something to consider now that I'm retired.

All the best,
Your bombshell is Hans Beekhuyzen ? I missed the bombshell it wasn't where he said this sounds better was it? He may be dry and not prone to hyperbole but I didn't see anything to back up his claim. I can say wow this Pepsi tastes better than this other Pepsi but without a chemical analysis I fail to see why anyone would believe me. He could have shown that this switch performed better than a cheap switch with some basic measurements of noise and jitter.