Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices?

The reason I chose specifically devices with tubes is because, in my opinion, it's much harder to design something good -not to mention gorgeous- looking with tubes and transformers sticking out.

From the ones that I know, which is not a lot, Airtight and Allnic designs stand out in my eyes. Shindo and Atma Sphere, on the other hand, do not look appealing at all. KT-Audio looks beautiful internally, whereas externally it's nothing special...yet?

I'm only asking about design, I don't care about sound :-)
Dennis Had...I had to say it...heh heh. But for me it's true, and I do care about sound as the design of anything that doesn't work (except maybe Frank Loyd Wright's leaky roofs) often kills the vibe and with it the esthetic.
Mcintosh MC2152 70th anniversary model and the CJ MV series look pretty cool to me.