Lively, fast & open sounding integrated under 3k?

My speakers are 89db 2 way monitors with a very warm sound. Minimum impedance 3.5 ohm
large Room, low level listening 

My goals
excellent immediacy, speed & timing (dont recommend naim, very unnatural forced sound)

forward soundstage (begins at the listening position and extends beyond the speakers)

Body without warmth

small in size if possible, but no class D, doubles into 4 ohms, Good at low volumes
new or used.

possible candidates from reading reviews

crayon cia-1
teac ai-2000
krell s300i
sugden a21se

I don't pay attention to reviews much anymore because they really don't tell you anything.  I have owned three different JC1 amps, one of them was brand new (and burned in 500 hours).  The A21 was also brand new.  I have owned a variety of different amps and have compared these Parasound side-by-side with other amps.
+1 on Belles Aria. Good fit for your requirements. Just reacquired one for my 2nd system.

+1 on Hegel as a bad choice. While I wouldn't call it warm (nor would I call Aria warm), I do agree that it’s overly damped & flat/dense sounding

(Have owned both).