Tube rolling McIntosh c2600 preamp?

Has anyone changed the tubes in the C2600 with positive results. My sound stage has good depth but little width. The music pretty much stays within the speakers. I am using the McIntosh MC452 for the amp. Could this be a preamp issue? Over the years I have noticed that swapping preamps had an impact on the width of the sound stage. I like this preamp so i'm hoping it may be a tube issue. Any thoughts?
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You and I have pretty similar McIntosh preamp/amp combinations.  Soundstaging is more likely a room+speaker issue IMO.  But I've switched my McIntosh C2300 preamp to Gold Lion tubes with good results.  Don't see your other components listed, so it's hard to tell for sure. More system details would be helpful in order to give a better answer.
Real simple if you have stock valves, change them, they are BAD..
I've had 50 years with Mac.. Amperex, Tellies, Good RCA if you can find them. PSVANE is a great new option. The stock valves Mcintosh has used for the last 20 years are just cheap...BIG improvement, if you don't notice an improvement, don't spend a lot of money trying to find it..
YOU may not be able to hear it.. Some can some can't. Depends on your hearing. You don't need to change them all, just the pair in the mains to start (AUX) unless your using the phono section.. Amprex, Tellies, Volvo
PSVANE, Mazda, RCA (be careful with RCAs) some Sylvanias (bright).

BTW I use C8,11,20,22,2500,MX110 on the valve side.. I have  few of their SS models too. Good stuff...

With my Mac C2500 and MC302, I have a very deep and wide soundstage that goes way beyond the speakers. I am using the stock McIntosh branded tubes (new), with are JJ’s. I tried a quad of matched NOS Gold Lion 12ax7 which were graded as “uncle Kevvys stash” from Upscale Audio. After using them for 4 months, I went back to the stock tubes which to my ears gave me more of what I was looking for.

I chose the Gold Lion because that is what almost everyone in the Mac group on Audio Aficionado loves and recommended. I haven’t tried other brands as I am satisfied and it’s a PITA to remove from rack, disconnect everything and carry to kitchen table to unscrew all the screws.
agree very much with goheelz above - it is most likely a room/speaker/speaker placement issue

i have rolled tubes with various equipment, never have i found it significantly altered width of the image
If you want a little nugget for Mac, don’t use Golden Lyon, for signal valves. Mac used GL to voice MC275, but only their power valves, but never their signal valves. Mac used Tellies, Amprex, (Mulards), RCAs (if you can find BP), Volvo. PSVANE is a GREAT valve, and getting better.  The stocks valves, are ok at best, like JJs. They are probably the better of the bunch, top to bottom, for cheapos.
Like I said, if you can’t hear the difference, don’t waste your money. Some can hear the difference, some can’t.

Swap to Sylvanias, if you can’t hear that difference, you know.  But, you have to be honest with yourself. They should blister your ears, if they don’t in any Mac 1959-2020, there is a hearing issue, with a health Mac. Unless you don’t use a tweeter. 
