Leben CS600 or Atmasphere or ARC

Hi everyone, 
I am using a pair of Devore Nine speakers. I am looking for a tube amp for them. 

My shortlist includes:
- Leben CS600  
- Atmasphere (don't know which model)
- Acoustic Research  (don't know which model)
- Almarro A318B ( love this one but couldn't find a good used one)

My budget is around $5000, so probably I will go for used ones. Could you suggest which one is for me? I mainly listen to acoustic music like vocals, jazz, classical. Texture and timing are important for me. 

Thank you for your inputs!


Ag insider logo xs@2xquanghuy147

"‘not just the gold but the green too!’

There is just something very sexy about Leben appearance not to mention the seductive sound."

Yes it's an almost timeless archetypal look suggesting some form of an extraordinary oriental exoticism.

When I think back to my first serious amplifier, the classic NAD 3020a, I was always glad that it came in a warm chocolate colour and not plain black as was common then.

I later ended up with the matching 4020 tuner (not so good) and the excellent 6050c tape deck. 

Happy times, when my audio life was simple. Get a turntable, get some speakers and just buy the rest from NAD.

I own the Nines and am using a Woo Audio WA5, 10wpc of 300b SET power, and it is plenty for a 20x20 room. It’s a wonderful Integrated amp that was built to power efficient speakers and inefficient headphones. I will soon add a Leben CS600x, so will wait until then to comment, but research supported the Leben as a great match. Prior owner owned Shindo gear which sounded great if a tad drier.

Did you pick an amp yet? I adore the Nines, traded up from Super 8s and the Nines are much much better - more full sounding and easy to place.