Are all red book cd transports created equal?

Quite simply the transport on my rega Jupiter is failing and I have an old pdr-19rw pioneer elite that has the same digital output. In theory bits are bits right? Should I swap them out or will the old unit sound as inferior as all those original cd’s did?
I would use Pioneer player in the interim and invest in a high quality streamer with internal hard drive so you can enjoy bit perfect rips of your CD’s.

This will only be close to bit perfect if he uses a good CD transport, other wise there’ll be errors and jitter transferred to the HD.
Then there’s write and read back errors from the HD, probably powered by an smp, so noise to add to that also.
I’ve yet to hear a streamer/hd sound as good as a proper CD transport playing the same CD.
Cheers George
there has never been a better time to keep your CDs and enjoy a newer cd player/transport.  Utilize the Pioneer Elite in the short term while auditioning other options.  Post an impression or opinion on Jupiter vs PDR-10RW.
Happy Listening!
For whichever transport you use ensuring the disc is spinning absolutely level is a start in the right direction. Also painting the tray turquoise is a good idea. 
“This will only be close to bit perfect if he uses a good CD transport, other wise there’ll be errors and jitter transferred to the HD.
Then there’s write and read back errors from the HD, probably powered by an smp, so noise to add to that also.
I’ve yet to hear a streamer/hd sound as good as a proper CD transport playing the same CD“


I see no point in engaging folks who speaks from ignorance. You have been peddling your BS 80’s views over and over. Open your mind my friend and go listen to a decent streaming setup at your friend’s place or a dealer.