Belles research?


I purchased a Belles Research 250 amp and cannot find any info about it. This is a long shot but is there anyone out there that knows about or has this amplifier??

Greetings V sorry it arrived damaged
 the 150 A is a bit newer and also capable of superb performance. If reasonably priced I would grab it
Ask the guy selling the older unit if he can get the amp to my tech we can  get it going again.  Where are you located?
It's on the way back to the seller for a refund. There is a version 2 150 A? Do you know of any differences? Thanks!
IMHO, the 150A is a much better amp than the older 250.

The 150 came in an "A" version and a HOT ROD version in addition to just the regular 150 original issue. Try to find the "Hot Rod" version if possible. It’s a killer amp.

The 150A, (and 350A) REFERENCE amps had a version 1 and 2.  The REFERENCE series amps had about twice the voltage output than the regular versions.
Anyone here know the real measure power output of the Belles SA-30 ?

Belles rates it at 30 watts into 8 ohms and 32 amps of current.  So it is probably closer to 45-50 watts and doubles down each time.  45/8, 90/4, 180/2.  Just my guess.

I've heard one on some pretty hard to drive speakers, (Magnepan 1.7i) and although I didn't think it would work well, it did a fine job.