Belles research?


I purchased a Belles Research 250 amp and cannot find any info about it. This is a long shot but is there anyone out there that knows about or has this amplifier??

Greetings The Belles 250 amp is from the mid-80s Sankin Bi Poler output devices and should still pull its weight in any decent system. Just hook it up with a decent preamp and speakers like Vandersteens and report back. Best JohnnyR

Thanks Johnny, very helpful.  I’ll be hooking up to Kef LS50 speakers. I emailed David Belles and waiting hear from him. 
Hi Voodoo:
I Purchased the A100 amplifier and it’s complementary preamp in 1983, new.  I sold the amplifier about a year ago. It was still operational. I recently gave the preamp to my daughter after having the caps replaced. At the time it was a wonderful sounding preamp but I don’t think it would cut it now. I think the amp will be fine. Completely solid state! Think about having the caps replaced right away. It’s not very expensive.
