Does anybody own a Jeff Rowland Daemon Integrated Amp.?

I saw that this Integrated amp was rated at 1500 WPC and 2500 WPC in the class D mode. Does anybody have anymore info.?
Thank’s. Did you do the comparisions deamon vs 925+corus+aeris+PSU? Or you think that the technology of the deamon is less performant? Also i bought the innuos SE streamer with only usb output. Jeff Rowland say that the soun is better if we use SPDIF.  So i will probably buy the converter Berkeley alpha. Do you have an opinion about that?
Nb sorry for my bad english ( french canadian)

Hello All, I was long hoping to try out the Rowland Daemon Superintegrated amp. Finally, last Thursday, a long awaited Daemon Superintegrated was delivered. Started break-in the following day, and have been scribbling listening notes since… The writing project will continue for at least a few months, until the integrated has stabilized, and I have exercised several of Daemon’s many input and output options. I have been waiting for a long time for this 99Lbs single box critter. It is Jeff Rowland’s integrated flagship. The DAC + Preamp + 1500W/8 (2500W/4) power amp in a single chassis is incredibly powerful and already sounding amazing after just 100 hours of break-in.


I am learning a lot about  this critter, and I see that severl friends here have asked excellent questions. So, y not join me to chat about Daemon around its own new Audiogon watering-hole, where I am narrating my experience  it. I'll try to answer all your questions there:


Of course, feel free to PM me if you like to talk in person about it.


Saluti, Guido

Any other owner of the Daemon here, or just Guido?

All of you who still have any concerns with the Class D amps, you should consider that the newest generation of Jeff Rowland class D designs are not B&O made ICE Power designs, but the real sophisticated Pascal amps from Thomas Holm from Denmark, Holm acoustics. These are used in the Aeris DAC, Continuum Series 2, etc.
So if your experiences are just based on old Jeff Rowland Class D products as 301, 501, etc, these new products are completely different animals!
I don’t  own the Daemon, but do have a 17 year old Concentra 2.

Was wondering how much more time my Concentra has before needing some type of service?  Or should I start to look to replace with one of his newer offerings.....