It looks like a debate to me.

I'm more interested in hearing the viewpoints of people that have earned stripes in the audio industry rather than faceless hobbyists.  Am I alone in this?
To review, it is a seminar. All are invited.
It is ONLY billed as "John Atkinson, a panel of pedigreed amplifier designers debate what matters most when it comes to amplifier sound quality."
Expounding on what most of us already know about distortions and hearing does not change that. It might devolve into meaningless hype. It might not.
You'll never know if you're not there because any subsequent reports will be "distorted."
I find the louder the voice in the audio industry, the more likely the stripes are painted on.
I stand by the intent of my original statement:

Amps seem to sound more sensitive to impedance issues to me than the math otherwise suggests.

Peace, @atmasphere


atmasphere, as someone who designs amps (for many applications), I cannot agree at all with your comment w.r.t. amount of feedback and sounds profile. There are far far too many other factors at play including open-loop bandwidth, compensation network, or just to make it simple, transfer function including load to simplify to an amount of feedback to equate to a particular sound.

Your simplification suggests a marginally unstable system as opposed to an over-damped system.