What do I need to start Streaming Music thru my Audio System

Im an Old Man that needs help! I would like to try Streaming Music thru my stereo but have no idea how to do it. I have a Lap Top Computer. My system is as follows: Emotiva XSP 1 Pre Amp, Genesis Digital Lens, Wadia 321 DAC, Audiolab 6000 Transport, Bel Canto REF 1000 Amps, Thiel CS 6 speakers.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
How much you looking to spend, do you have an ethernet port close or is this going to be wifi? You could hook your laptop to your Wadia DAC by USB and try some free internet radio stations to get an idea but it will be low resolution files. If you decide to buy into a subscription service like Quboz or Tidal it's  easier to use a dedicated streamer like the Node2i mentioned above but a tablet or smartphone is the preferred way to control though a laptop can be used.
You have good kit , fully able to do justice to hi-res files, so what you need is a good "streamer", i.e. a device that can connect to internet services such as TIdal, Qobuz, etc, or bridge with Roon (which is a user-firendly software that brings together all the digital content you have, like a "source").There are many such streamers around, the best costing upwards of 6k. As djones mentioned  above, you would need to budget it, but any audiophile streamer will sound better than your laptop.
@rsa - having been in your position several years ago I have tried several different "streaming solutions"...
1. Apple TV
2. Computer via usb into my DAC
3. Computer into a USB-SPDIF convertor into my DAC
4. Bluesound Node 2

1-3 presented many unique challenges that took me a lot of effort to investigate and implement in order to get better quality music

Any solution that requires the use of USB cables can have a number of issues that require attention
- the main one being the USB cable itself
- the chipset on board the DAC may not be the best
- the chipset on the DAC may use computer supplied power - which can contain distortion due to hard disk use

Also, To solve other issues associated with the USB interface may require the use of the USB-SPDIF convertor to improve sound quality

So after trying #1 through #3I arrived at solution #4 - the Bluesound Node 2
- out of the box, sound quality is exceptional regardless of the digital sampling used
- it streams via your LAN - Ethernet or Wifi - so no USB power or USB cable related problems
- it has interfaces to most of the popular streaming services
- it has a very good and intuitive and easey to use interface for most platforms
- it is able to stream digital files from NAS drives, USB sticks and Bluetooth devices
- it is easy to setup
- technical support is very good - ir required, one phone call normally gets you up and running if you experience problems and they know about issues not really in their "domain" - e.g. I got help with my specific router
- upgrades are easy to install and I have never experienced any problems with them

You can also opt for the Node 2 Vault, which provides the ability to play and RIP CD’s to an internal hard drive.

Treat the Node 2 to some great cables and the sound quality will surprise you even more.

I was so taken with the ease and quality of the Bluesound products that I now also have the PowerNode 2 for my TV and the Bluesound Pulse Mini speaker for music outside.

It took me a long while to arrive at this solution, so I thought I would provide the details so you could skip a few issues related to Computer streaming.

One last piece of info - the Node 2 has an isolated power supply
- i.e. it has a two pin plug.
- this can cause a little hum on some amps e.g. in my case both Naim and Bryston

SOLUTION: a simple ground wire...
- solder one end of a piece of wire to the neutral side of an RCA plug and attach the other end to the ground pin of a mains plug
- insert the mains plug into any outlet
- insert the RCA plug into any unused RCA socket on your amp or the Node 2 itself

This is ONLY required if a hum occurs. 
- e.g. If you have a source component that is grounded with a three pin plug - then this solution may not be  required.
- I now have a grounded Phono stage, so there is no need for the ground wire

If you have any other questions just ask

Hope that helps - Steve