Comparison of latest DAC chips

I own a Bluesound Node 2i which greatly improved sound after I added the Cat 6 cable.  I do not own a separate DAC but am told it would be the next step improvement.  I have done enough reading that it appears the two latest chips are the Sabre or ESS ES9038PRO and the AK4499.  The brands I have looked at are Sabaj d5($469) and a Topping D90($699).  I saw a great review on Audiocircle of the Sabaj D5 which is now a year old.  The Topping D90 is newer and I hear the build quality of the Topping as well as customer service are both better.   Other brands cost more and most don't use these new chips. 

Is there a difference in how these chips sound?  I would appreciate any comments. 
Hey Abraxilito nice find, it is for audio too and the pro side.

They are also voltage output, as you know I prefer current output dacs that I can do my own current to voltage (I/V) conversion stage on.

Cheers George
The Topping D90 is a phenomenal dac! One of the best dac’s at any price IMHO.... Have had it for 3 weeks now, and its imaging, transparency to the source, detail, dynamic snap, tonal accuracy, and impact are jaw dropping .... at $699 its shockingly good...It is still has somewhat caramel like coloring like most AKM chips do, but to a much less extent.. Also, somewhat has very grayish background, as opposed to the complete black. Its very system and cable dependent I ’d say.... My Cardas Golden Crosses are somewhat laid back already, and I ve used a custom "high" resolution interconnect in place of the Cardas Golden Cross IC, and the D90 readily revealed a new sonic signature of the new item in the system... Also I ve been using it as a preamp as well via its balanced outs, into the Classe Dr-3 Class A amplifier (which itself is also somewhat on the darkish side in some set ups) and I hear D90 is even more transparent as a stand alone dac if used with high quality preamp, but which option is more transparent is highly system dependent as usual... Also been burning in the Gustard A22, uses 2 AKM 4499 ,with much beeifier power supplies, different parts, and uses different layout (by the way, a HUGE shout out to CJ at the Apos shop for getting me this unit in 3 days during a lock down in China!!!! Exemplary service and attitude of guys at Apos)... Too early to comment definitively on the Gustard dac, but I d say we have hit the golden age of performance where dacs at relatively small sums (compared to 10 of thousands $ in the past) provide awesomely musical and enjoyable sound to music lovers at any budget!!!
Thank you kot.  My D90 is arriving today.  Have you tried the different filters? 
Congrats Dale.  Let us know how it goes.  With a 30 day trial period from Apos, you can't lose.
@daledeee1   as far as filters I ve been using whatever  default values there are ...Have not played with them extensively