Cambridge CXC: Help finding a small, programmable remote?

After much research and searching, I was pleased to purchase and receive the Cambridge CXC transport. As some mentioned, the CXC remote is ungainly, crammed with buttons for other products I don't intend to purchase.

Does anyone have a lead on a small, programmable remote — something the size of a Roku remote? This makes much more sense. Having input buttons for specific tracks would be nice, too. (Cannot *believe* they left those off. FFS.)

Hopefully any answers might also help folks with other products who, like me, hate their remote.
The Roku remote has the volume control on the side.  Very poor design as whenever you pick up the remote, the volume changes or mutes. I ditched the TV because of that remote and went with a 24 inch LG for the kitchen instead. 
Right. The Roku was an example of the form factor I'm interested in. That's why I said "something the size of" a Roku remote.
I remember googling this a while ago, and found a remote for an earlier Cambridge CD player that used the same codes and didn't have the surplus buttons.  I searched ebay for a while and never found one.  Then the transport left, and it became moot.  There is good press on the Audiolab transport.  I wonder what its remote looks like.