Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.
"A negative word in the community can have devastating results for them."
A positive clear word from them can have uplifting results for them.
You have to say pretty please with whipped cream on top. No, I don’t know what the whipped cream is all about.
  •  "A negative word in the community can have devastating results for them."

A negative word? How about scores of negative words?

Over time, for whatever reason, there have been those who without trying a product, try to dissuade others from buying these products with their over the top, uninformed, or misinformed opinions. These are the miscreants that in the past I have referred to as "destroyers," "looters" and "arsonists." I believe those are apt words to describe these evil-doers. 


Have you seen what it’s like out there, guys? Do you ever actually leave the house? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy. You think skeptics ever think what it’s like to be someone like us? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit down and take it like good little boys! That we won’t werewolf and go wild! 🤡

Let me get this straight, you think that insulting those guys is funny? Well, I do. I’m tired of pretending it’s not. Comedy is subjective. 🤡