New Magnepan 1.7 Owner

Hi guys. I'm the proud owner of really, my first pair of Magneplanar speakers (I only spent a few days with the MG12 and decided to upgrade). I picked up my 1.7's yesterday in the aluminum trim. I will post a review soon.

Anyway, I wanted to ask a few questions about the simplest of upgrades, replacing the tweeter jumpers and fuses.

I need recommendations on fuses and most importantly, where I can purchase them. Also, I don't know much about electronics but I think the value of the fuse is the same as the 1.6 correct? 4A Large Fast Blow?

Also, tweeter jumpers. I have some Audioquest Banana connectors and some Audioquest speaker wire, should I remove the stock jumpers and replace them?

Thanks guys, much appreciated.
Real fi Audiocr381ve e mailed he is making progress with the resistors although he hasn't posted yet
Crom is right. They need time. Mine improve every day. appologies if anyone was upset.
Magfan and Audio Connection: What do you mean by 'flipping the tweeters." And what is 'inside or out'- exactly. Thanks.
I may join the owners club on Tuesday... one last demo and then it may be time to pull the trigger as my dealer has the 1.7's in stock.

Will be my first time using a planar- nice to feel like there is a ton to learn out there.

I am also thinking about getting 1.7's. How do y'all think my Quicksilver V4 tube monoblocks (120plus per side) would sound with them. I talked to Mike at Quicksilver and he wasn't so sure that it would be a great match because of the Maggies needing so much power. Has anybody heard the 1.7's or 1.6's with Quicksilver amps? Thanks