Feedback on Classic Audio Reproductions T-5

I've just come off a thread about high efficiency speakers, and I'm looking for feedback about the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5 model. However, information about these speakers is minimal at best. Are there any owners or those with listening experience of the T-5s?
So if he can't get the TAD-1101 drivers does that mean the Jazz and Dreammaker will be discontinued?

Good question and I really don't know the answer. At one time I believe Duke told me he had enough of the drivers left to make a few pair of the Dream Makers. It's not so much that the drivers are not available, its more a matter of the high minimum order one has to place to acquire them from TAD (Pioneer).
The last time I heard the T5 was quite a while ago at a show. They are easy to drive, in a lot of cases 60 watts may be all you need. They are 16 ohms so making power with a tube amp is easy with them.

The thing is, John has been updating the T-3 and T-1s with field coil drivers and new crossovers, but I have not seen that happening in the T-5. Prior to that though, the big differences between the T-1/T-3 and the T-5 were these: the bass was smoother response in the T-5 owing to the dual woofer, but did not go as low (31 Hz) and it is slightly less efficient.

The T-1 and T-3 both got dual woofers at a later time.

Now as to Duke: in hearing his speakers recently, I am not sure that there is any particular advantage to the T-5, as Duke's speakers are similar drive-ability and bandwidth. His designs perform well out of their price points as far as bandwidth and resolution, so I think it is sound advice that Tvad has been offering. OTOH you might contact John and see if he has any field coil offerings for the T-5, if so I would keep them under consideration as the field coil drivers are something special in the resolution department.
Beautiful...Thanks, Ralph!

I am working out a possible plan to hear the T-5s but they won't be at the show. I will contact John about which version of T-5.

Thank you for your input about Duke's speakers.
The Jazz Modules and Dream Makers will continue on after I have run out of TAD woofers, as I've found a suitable replacement.

Classic Audio Reproductions was the company that opened my eyes to what a good horn-based system could do. It has been a while since I heard the T-5s, but they were extremely dynamic and I enjoyed them a great deal. John's driver layout is unconventional but in my opinion very intelligent. For example, his twin woofers are spread far apart, which is the same principle that I carry a bit further with my Swarm. Just for the record, Ralph Karsten was the first person to point out to me the advantages of having bass sources spread out within a room. Not bad for an amp guy!

I appreciate your comments in the posts above, Tvad and Jax2 and Clio9 and Ralph.

Thanks Duke, and I'm sorry to hear about your Step Father.

Good comments about the T-5s, but don't forget that I still have your speakers on my short list!!!

I spoke to John about the T-5s that I may have an opportunity to hear. They are the original models (2001), so no field coils.