Rega Apollo

Considering purchasing the Apollo. System is Schiit Freya preamp, Vincent SP-331 amp, Vandersteen 2C  speakers, cables and ICs are Anticables. Anyone familiar with how the Apollo sounds? Looking for a more "musical" sound, less "analytical" than my Oppo 103. Thanks.

I had a Apollo several years ago, and liked it very much. Got the upgrade bug and bought a Cambridge 840-C cd player. As much as I liked the Apollo, the Cambridge was vastly superior. Had it for about 5 years, then upgraded to New Cambridge 851-C, which was another good improvement. You can get a used 840-C for a good price on Audiogon where they come up every now and then, or a used 851-C, which I would recommend. You can also get a new 851-C for around $1500 if you are so inclined.
Thanks for posting that mr_m.
I am thinking of selling my Apollo and wanted to know of a suitable upgrade, in case I ever want to play a CD again.
I have the original Apollo not the Apollo-R. I have liked the Apollo very much, mostly the buffer which checks the signal to correct potential errors on the CD. The Rega has a digital out which gives the user the ability to upgrade to the continuously improving DAC lineup, and use the Apollo as a great transport.
@mr_m - Tim, thank you for the suggestion I hadn't considered.
@2psyop - Thank you for the feedback, and the info about the buffer that I wasn't aware of.
