
Who is using g Qobuz and how are you finding it? Thank you.
Thanks for the link.
I put in my ticket.
I heard that people who visited the NYC show got a free offer to sign into the Beta.

We can't comment on Roon just yet, but we are all big fans of Roon here at Qobuz US. We hope to give you good news at some point :)

Thank you,
Qobuz US


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Your subscription is active until 2/2/19. 

It will be automatically renewed at the end of this period, but you can end it at any time on the page My Account > Unlimited Music

Unfortunately I canceled because I use Roon. Very disappointed 

Just got my "acceptance" email today and am now playing Qobuz using thru my Squeezebox Touch using the Qobuz plugin for LMS.

I look forward to your impressions of how user friendly Qobuz is, the audio quality and ease in setting up playlists and if will it automatically play similar music at the end of a play list.

David Pritchard