Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
It obviously would provide greater options if one was wanting to make a change in speakers. Are you looking to make changes in your current system?
STA200 is an AB amp. My listening experience was very good. I understand the Chinese imitated the Goldmund amp without care for protection circuits. My STA200 blew up and cannot be repaired. Stay away at any price.
My STA200 blew up and cannot be repaired. Stay away at any price.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I have one and asking for my personal info:

1.Just blew with normal use I assume?

2. Did it just not turn on? Or did it actually pop and go dead?

3. was it after the amp was on a while or when you first turned it on?

4. Where did you purchase?

aysancorluhan,, I already have the STA200, and the truth is worrying about it blowing up is the last thing I am doing.  I have not popped the hood to look myself, but it sounds like you are saying it is not fuse protected, which seems unusual.
While I am not currently thinking about new hard to drive speakers, I was really wanting someone to provide their input (thank you jl35) regarding the sound quality differences between the STA200 and a Parasound A21.  For example, does one image better than the other, better separation of instruments, anything else at all you can relate.