Oppo-Integra handshake problem

My Oppo 981 has no problem playing multi-ch SACD or DVD-A discs thru my Integra 8.8 AVR. . .as long as my Mitsubishi DLP RPTV is turned on. If the tv is off, the Integra's display shows "no signal" and no music is heard. All 3 components are connected using HDMI 1.3a cables. Needless to say, I'd rather not have to power up the 73" TV just to listen to music.

Anyone else had this problem? If so, what's the fix?

Oppo says it's a firmware problem with the Integra; Integra is impossible to reach via email. Very poor customer service.

Thanks to anyone who can provide some input or suggestions.
What happens when you disconnect the HDMI cable going from the AVR to the TV? Not intended as a recommended solution, only a first step toward troubleshooting...
Dlcockrum - Thanks for the suggestion. Just tried that and the Oppo plays fine. When I reconnect the HDMI cable, the Integra loses signal lock, so the problem lies in this connection.

Now. . .can we figure out a work-around, since I need this connection in order to watch satellite & dvd's?

Thanks again.

I seem to have found a solution to my problem. Fortunately the Integra has 2 HDMI outputs. By using the secondary HDMI output to the TV, it allows the Integra to recognize the Oppo signal without the TV being on. Don't know why, but as long as it works, I'm happy.

Thanks to all who responded.
I had the same prolem with an Onkyo 805. Could not listen to cds or sacds via a Sony 550 blu-player and pioneer dv-58 dvd player without the my LCD being on. Onkyo was of no help even though the problem was almost surely with the 805 avr. My only solution was to use the analog MC outputs on the blu-ray/dvd players to the Onkyo 805 analog MC inputs.
Have you upgraded the firmware to the most current release? (August 8, 2008)

I suggest you check Oppo's WEB site and at least give it a shot. You can find the free download under "Customer Service", "Support" and then find the 981 on the list. It will certainly fix a few of the issues related to the 981. I couldnt get SACD to work at al until I did the upgrade.

It works perfectly now ...

Hope this helps,
