Vandersteen Treo CT, Pair of Sub threes and Lyngdorf TDAI 3400

Hello all,

I am investing in a system upgrade.  My room is not the greatest and I won't be doing any acoustic treatments to it.

Basically the main speakers need to be within 12 to 18 inches of the wall (WAF).  Because of this I am thinking of building the system around Lyngdorf and Room Perfect.

I am thinking of pairing the Vandersteen Treo CT with a Pair of Sub threes.  I would be driving these with a Lyngdorf TDAI 3400.  

My question is the SUB Three's have room EQ and the Lyngdorf has room correction.

How would I set these up together?

Would I get the SUB Three's set up and them run the Lyngdorf Room Perfect


Would the room perfect render the SUB Three's EQ as useless in that case I would just by the cheaper Vandy V2W subs without the EQ and let room perfect blend the subs and mains.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hi Johnny,

Thanks for your thoughtful responses.  I am currently traveling in CA I will try to give you a call next week to talk through your last post.

I think you have hit the nail right on the head.  My worry was always how the EQ with the Sub threes would work with the room perfect from the Lyngdorf.

All of these great comments have given me enough pause so...... 
I think I am going to start slow and order the Treo CTs and hook them up to my Mcintosh MA6500.  I have an extra Velodyne DD12 so I may hook that up as well so I can get a feel for sub with the Treos.  Ultimately I like the idea of a sub three or 2 sub threes with the treos.

Then I can take my time picking the right amp and pre or integrated.
good call OP !!!!!
I have Treo CT fairly close to the wall 14” and they sound fantastic
running them with a 40 WPC Naim amp
the sub three would be devine but get me evicted !

have fun, go slow, build a relationship with Vandy dealer and they will help you wring the maximum out of your room using analog EQ