How are you hearing no difference?

In my experience, I've never heard two pre-amps that sound exactly the same, nor two DACs that sound the same, nor two amps...etc. Yet, occasionally someone will claim that they heard no difference between Product A and Product B in their system.  I find it difficult to believe.


Some very good points made here. I take care quite often to have a friend come help blind test; I also compare over time, and get my wife's "golden ears" opinion until she gets annoyed (humor).

I understand and agree that certain components will sound similar, especially DAC's. I've had to do some very careful listening to reveal the smallest of differences. On one occasion, the difference was so slight, it came down to a two second section where I could hear a difference of a faint bongo beat that DAC A presented with more percussion than DAC B (about the 6:56-58 mark on the song "Morning Mist" performed by Ahmad Jamal). 

IMO if you have to have a friend come over, or take more time then there is probably very little difference.  When I demo one of my products, if you don't hear a dramatic difference within about 30 seconds, then take it out and be happy with what you have.

Happy Listening.

Here's a tip which costs nothing, nada, and you will hear a difference. Just cup your hands behind your ears. Even if you like the sound I know it's a real pain keeping your hands in place but you will hear a difference. I recall that too many years ago to remember a US company tried to market a cardboard device which looked like Mickey Mouse ears and you fitted to your head when listening. It looked ridiculous and therefore didn't sell but it did work.
Was I not the first? Ortho Ears was going to be my first product. They were based on Spock Halloween ears. Which I think is a smart look. That was 25 years ago.
Funny that this was mentioned. The hearing in my left ear is worse than my right. As I was learning about speaker position and listening position etc I cupped my hand behind my left ear and it made a big difference in the size and shape of the sound stage. But it did have a hollow 'sea-shell' quality to it so I tried different hand shapes and was able to eliminate that.

I'm glad no one saw me doing wife already has plenty of reasons to have me committed. 

Anyway, this worked but is very impractical. Also, with a little more time and effort I was able to balance things out with minor adjustments to speaker and listening chair placement. So now I appear semi-sane while listening.