... thoughts on Taylor Swift's REPUTATION CD...

Hello to all... Am wondering how other audiophile folks who critically listen to music as coordinated recorded sounds access the newest offering from Taylor Swift.


I find the recording fairly well done: abit thumpy throughout (which seems to be the trend in pop/indie music for the masses), but highly divergent in tones, dynamics, and harmonies. Deep and wide soundstage... Most vocals (within my system) are believeable (for the most part) but sometimes muddy up at the complicated refrains with several overdubs of her voice...

I think this is a good stereo test recording. YOUR THOUGHTS APPRECIATED...
Please explain to me in layman's terms what this tells me, and how this is useful in a discussion regarding sound...
This may sound combative - it is not intended to be - I just want to understand why you are using this 'scale' to quantify sound...
He is referring to the dynamic range of the CD. As I understand it the dynamic range is the range of audible sound or tone from quietest to loudest. (Probably all the wrong terms but you can get what I'm saying). 

The CD you referenced has very poor dynamic range. This is a product, again as I understand it, of pushing up the loudness of the CD which compresses the dynamic range.

This isn't a knock against Taylor Swift or that CD per se because the problem is almost universal these days. It is very hard to find a new CD or downloadable file that doesn't suffer from this production technique.

Search Wikipedia: "loudness wars" if you want to learn a little more.

What I hear in these compressed CDs, compared to older ones, is that first it is loud. Too loud for the corresponding volume setting on your gear. After that to me they sound too bright, too strident and they make my ears tired. They lack 'richness' in my opinion. Some of my favorite new bands have albums with nearly identical DR to the Swift CD you mention. Their DR hovers around 5 or 6. Well recorded CDs like Mark Knopfler's 'Tracker" and Steely Dan's 'Two Against Nature' have DR values in the 12-16 range. And they are fairly recent. They just made the effort.

I'm sure I haven't laid this out exactly or with the most precise terms but the effect is fairly obvious to me sonically.

New vinyl seems to fair better....but still not as good as good old vinyl.

Also, the DR can vary A LOT between different CDs of the same album when it comes to older CDs and "remastered" CDs notoriously have worse DR than the original releases.

I am honestly wondering where all of these oddball posts are being generated. I have been a member for quite a while and I don't recall seeing so many pedantic posts. It is as if there is a "hired staff"  with little knowledge of audio to generate posts, thereby generating interest in Audiogon. Frankly these seem fake and rather pointless, not trying to be offensive here and I am sorry if I am but has anybody noticed this phenomenon ? Even the post headlines are very odd. Something like "HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED..." , or "WHEN I TURNED OFF MY AMP SOMETHING WENT WRONG...." This is just weird and very uninviting. Make a header that says something. Make some sense please!
You wrote a whole paragraph complaining about oddball posts that don't make sense and didn't even remotely make yourself clear. Maybe its contagious.
Thank you n80 for your explaination of acman3 post about the DR site.
For some reason: the acman3 post showed up after my post questioning it (look at the times: acman3 at 2:26 and my post at 3:27).

greg22lz: Confused by your post; not sorry if I seem pedatic to you. My title for the forum is pretty direct and I ask because I'd like to know, not annoy you...

My topic is under the MUSIC FORUM; I am not an audiophile, I am a music lover. Maybe I shouldn't be posting here, maybe this is too sophisticated a site, maybe too high-brow - or maybe you should be blowing your steam off in some other forum, or on some site designed for that purpose...