Atma-Sphere in CO?

I'm looking to listen to one of Ralph's amps.  I'm in Denver and have Coincident PREs and a pair of Coincident's wonderful 300b Frankenstein's if anyone's interested in doing a comparison.  Obviously the speakers won't travel, but I'd be willing to pack up the amps and do some driving.

Will probably catch AS at RMAF, but would also love to do a home based A/B comparison...
I'd love to be able to just leave the stereo on all day without concern for tube life.
If the amps are on a moderate load (and most Coincidents are) then the tube life is really really long. I leave my amps on all day and most of the night without worries, although I do put them in standby if I step out for dinner or the like.
i believe The Music Room has some M60 coming up for sale soon....Broomfield
i have no dog in fight
i have bought/sold with them...hyper good people