A song murdered by someone.

Is there a cover version of a song you like by the original artist that has been in your ears truly murdered by a covering artist?
Mine is 'Everybody Knows' by Leonard Cohen, absolutely murdered by Barb Jungr.

Once heard a radio station play an excerpt of Dolly Parton doing Stairway To Heaven. Most brutal thing I had ever heard.
NPR use to have a regular, very short, program where the host looked for truly awful recordings.  Some of them were collected and offered for sale on CDs (I don't know about current availability).  I never got them, even though I am a connoisseur of terrible covers.  Some particularly notable examples include a cover of a Beatles song by the sitting president of a South American country; the song so embarrassed the populace that a recall election was held and he was thrown out of office.  Another one, which I thought was really amazing was Bob Dylan and Tiny Time doing a duet (they were good friends) of "I Got You Babe."

By the way, I bought that Dolly Parton CD just to have her version of "Stairway to Heaven."
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