Atma Sphere deserves praise

In the last 6 months Atma Sphere released a revision to their MK III designation to MK III.1. It amounted to a small part change and I think the resulting cost was less than $500. In my system, and in other's judging by recent posts, it was a very worthwhile improvement. Not only was an upgrade path available, but the cost was very reasonable.

Do you think other manufacturers that release "new" product updates every 12-18 months, or worse new products because there is no upgrade path are simply offering design breakthroughs? Or is this just running a successful business?

I think they hurt their current customers by devaluing their "old" equipment on the used market, and causing them to scurry like ants for the latest new stuff.
a class act that is the real deal
i see the OTL kit amps in my future for sure
@tomic601 ,
Those Vandies will sing with Atma. I have my Treo's with a pair of MA-1's and an MP-3. One of the best purchases I have ever made.
I recently came into a pair of M-50s upgraded to M-60 MkIII.1 status. I had many questions for Ralph, and he was patient and helpful and even sent me a free pair of jumpers for the XLR inputs. He wasn't making a dime on me, and treated me with just as much respect as if I'd bought them new.

Ralph, Sean Casey at Zu, Dan Wright at Modwright, Steve Deckert at Decware, and a few others have all helped me along my continuing audiophile journey. Their passion for this crazy hobby of ours is amazing.
@gdnrbob i have them in mind for a pair of ancient Quad ESL i will be rebuilding.....part of my learning journey

but if i ever replace my ARC preamp in my reference system I will be sure to give Ralph a shot