Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
  • ".... we are suddenly living in very exciting times."   

Are we ever! If someone told me two years ago that I'd have an audio system that sounds like it does now, I wouldn't have believed it. The improvements over the past two years or so are all based on tweaks. I thought the SR fuses and the Herbie's tube dampeners were the best thing since sliced bread ... until Tim Mrock came up with TC and the Omega E Mats.

What Tim has provided us is not only the best thing since sliced bread, its the cat's meow. (a little humor for the old guys). And Tim says he has something in development that will bring everything together. I can't imagine things getting better, but Tim assures me that I haven't heard anything yet. :-)

@oregonpapa ,  are you talking about the room treatments?   I am also under the impression that one e mat has improved my system as much and probably more then the tc.  I still have yet to paint tc on my tube pins but I think as soon as I get three weeks on my e mat I will bite the bullet and paint those tubes.  I was worried about frying my tube pre but I think I can trust that the tc will not do that now.  What I am hearing after 11 days of my e mat being under my power conditioner is amazing.  The soundstage and natural presentation of the music  has never been better.  Also as I have pointed out before the bass and upper frequency details of music are also at a high point.  Very happy at this point and hoping that the mat improves after the 2 week period as some others have said.
” was like a veil was lifted as the noise floor lowered dramatically. I could "see" into the sound picture more clearly than before. It was way more three dimensional in nature.

With the installation of the Omega E Mats, there was a lot more there there than with just the TC alone. Now, I have a reach-out-and- touch-it type of thing going on. The sound space and the musicians within it are super clear and detailed without any negatives at all. I was listening to a "Poll Winners" CD last night with Shelly Mann on drums. I swear to you that drum set was in the room. The whack of the rim shots - amazing. The rattle of the snare drum - amazing. The brassiness of the cymbals - real.”

>>>>>Corny 🌽 as Kansas in August. Normal as blueberry pie.

Note to self: Is he hot doggin me? 🌭

Geez, now I’m getting hungry again.

Frank was fortunate to hear in person the group know as the Lighthouse All-Stars at the Hermosa Beach club in the 1950s.  His system reproduces the excitement of hearing those musicians in his living room.   

Just dropped in to see what condition my condition is in.

The E Mat is an easily portable and near malleable power conditioner that will make I think any audio system sound more enjoyable. The fact that it can even make a power conditioner sound better makes me want to say who needs a power conditioner.. except perhaps as a connecting block for all the a/c cords. Maybe better off with a quality empty box milled and drilled for your favorite duplex and then mechanically direct coupled to the Mother of all grounds. When the credit card E Mat shows its face maybe stacked multiples ...could be placed inside to condition what condition your condition is in..Tom