Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Tim, when I said I would not buy a $600 mat because of the cost it is not a knock on your product. It is based on the fact that I have just retired and no longer have the income stream to do so. I cannot afford the potential sound improvement of this product (full sized mat). It just won’t happen based on financial needs and priorities. I ask if you are looking for offense? If one is looking for offense they are certainly going to find it. However, if we look for what is good and right we will see and find that. I am talking about our filters and perspective on life, others and relationships. I understand your filter may be tilted due to perceived offenses by others here, but I am not your enemy.

I hope we can can find peace moving forward as I truly believe we have much in common and there is no real offense taking place here on either end. I choose to believe that and this is far more important to me than any product. If I have acted in a negative way towards you or hurt you in any way, then I apologize. I am not perfect and certainly may be blind to times when I hurt others unintentionally.
Very nicely said but after reading these posts I see no reason or need for YOU to apologise at all.
I am not retired but also in the boat of not being able to blow $600 x 5 or 6 like some have here on a tweak no matter how good the claimed results.
I would still be interested in trying a number of the smaller mats when they become available.
For the same reason as you? Current customer and potential new one on the card size. Plus active Aphile enjoying these threads much like you though not quite as active as you. 
But why is he on this thread at all?
Are you kidding me?
Does anybody need a reason or permission to be on a thread here now?
Give me a break.....