Symdex speakers any information on these?

Would like copy of manual or reviews ,any information on these speakers picked up a pair great sounding speakers!
Peterayer, I shot you an e-mail but I figured I'd back it up here. I'm definitly interested if you decide to sell. Thank you.
I have Symdex Gamma Reference speakers. It's a very nice two way with what seems to be TL loaded or cleverly ported mid/bass driver. I really like them a lot. They sound very natural with good extended HF and nice round punchy bass.

Drivers used:
Woofer is Focal 7n412
Tweeter is TDL d-25S.

45hz to 25 khz
88 db 1 watt 1 meter
8 ohm impedance

They are easy to drive in in my room, I was even able to push them with 3W SEP amp, not very well, but it did work. They sound phenomenal with my Pass Aleph 3 and Symphonic Line RG11 amps.
I drive my Gammas with a Pass Aleph 3 also. Leland Wallace of Symdex was a Pass dealer at the time and I agree they are an excellent combination, though they would probably benefit from a bit more Pass Labs Class A power. Did you fill the bottom of the cabinet with sand?
I got them used and the bottom of the cabinet was already filled with sand as they are very heavy. My room is not very large 20x14 and they sound as good with 30W Aleph 3 as with 110W RG11 in this room.

I also tried them with my DNA-1 and it was a very nice match, but a bit too much power for them, I feel.

What I like about these speakers is ability to drive them with almost anything. They sound good with powerful SS and equally good with small tube amps.

These are my rock speakers at the moment. I also have SAP Trios that I use for jazz, vocals and other gentler music :)

I also just got a used pair of old Gallo Reference v1 balls and will be comparing them with Symdex. I am really surprised how good and undervalued a lot of the "old hi-end" speakers are, especially for the money you can get them now. Little Symdex put to shame many modern speakers in $3000 price range, and even some much more expensive speakers.
Hi Kingcrim55, curious whether you found any Sigmas to buy. If so, what system are you using them in? I have a pair from early '80s I think. Blew out a woofer on one side playing a Dave Grusin direct-to-disc album too enthusiastically. Now I'm looking for suitable drivers to restore them. Would welcome any suggestions on electronics to drive them with.